Thursday 8 December 2011

Victory @ last!!

Year 2011 is fast wrapping up and I just felt that this message was for the moment.I couldn't think of any better message than this tagged "victory @ last!!".Read and be blessed.
When we talk about victory at last,the first thing that comes to our mind is victory at the end of a battle.Battle here doesn't necessarily mean the physical one that soldiers go for,i mean spiritual,social,academical,financial,marital or even physical battles.You can imagine trying to get something for years and you've been denied,then finally you got it,i'm sure you know the next thing you would say 'victory at last',and that will be your story today.Every of your outstanding blessing that seems as if its not forthcoming,i decree that before the end this year,they will be in your hands in the mighty name of jesus.
Now lets search the scriptures and we are going to look at the lives of people who had victory at last.
In luke 8 vs 43-48,the woman with the issue of blood,this woman had really suffer a lot for 12 solid years.You could imagine how lean and poor she must have been,even the bible recorded it in verse 43,but at last she was victorious.One thing that we should all learn from here is that,the woman had an unshakeable faith.Her faith made her take that bold step of touching the hem of jesus's garment(verse 44).Many christians nowadays don't have this kind of faith,any little problem,they give up easily which is not meant to be so.I don't know for how long you have been carrying this particular problem,all I know is that as sure as Jesus lives,they are going to varnish right NOW and you will have victory at last in jesus name.
Another example we are going to take a critical look at is blind bartimaeus,in mark 10:46-52,the bible recorded it that blind bartimaeus was by the highway for many years,38 years to be precise,he was helpless and hopeless,he had nobody to come to his rescue,until one day,Jesus was passing by and he got his healing.Notice something here.Blind bartimaeus was persistent,even when people shunned him,he kept on crying out loud "jesus,thou son of mercy,have mercy on me".The same people that shunned him were the same people that told him that jesus calleth him.I decree to your life that the same people that are mocking you today are the same set of people that will celebrate your victory in jesus name.
Another great example was Hannah(1st sam 1 vs 3-18).Hannah was a woman who was really loved by her husband but she had nothing to show for it(the fruit of the womb).She was in pain and anguish,but she never gave up,she kept on going to shiloh despite the fact that peninnah provocked,mocked her.In verse 11,hannah did something,she made a precise request that she needed a male child and she even added a vow and God answered her prayer.Every peninnah in your life that has constantly brought shame and anguish to your life shall be disgraced before the end of this year in jesus mighty name.
In conclusion,it is not over until it is over,your victory is coming on the way.Its your own time to shine.stay blessed.

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