Wednesday 30 November 2011

Boosting your self confidence.

self confidence

This is so interesting,i mean so on point,I just read this and just felt like sharing it for the world to read and learn,learn how to boost your self confidence,hope you'll enjoy it.....
Nobody cares about you.furthermore,nobody thinks about you,watches you,keeps track of what you're wearing,or notices the words you mispronounce.And yes this is a wonderful news! Why? Nearly all of us,nearly all the time are deathly afraid dat we'll say the wrong thing,do the wrong thing,or just generally look like a complete idiot.You think you're different?when you walk into a
networking event, what are you thinking,when you are introduced to someone new,are you trying to remember the name or are you instead of thinking something witty or clever to say just to make a good impression.Do you have fear when you are in a job interview?,Are you
petrified to give a public speech?,Do you resist speaking up in a meeting even if you have something important to share?
I think to some degree,all
of us have this fear of
constantly being watched,criticized,and judged.It
might motivate a few to
do their best work,but for
most,this haunting belief
that we always have to be
“on” can be paralyzing.
Why take a chance -even a seemingly small
chance-if you think
everyone is watching and
ready to judge you? You
don’t speak up in the
meeting.You socialize
with colleagues at a
networking event instead
of connecting with
someone new. You resist
sharing a good story that
highlights your skills as
the perfect job candidate.
In your effort to look your
best,you focus too much
on yourself and how
others will perceive you
instead of your work and
what’s most important.Now the fact is,nobody performs well
under constant scrutiny-real or imagined.In fact,psychologists use
the term “imaginary
audience” to describe this
heightened state of
vigilance that is especially
strong during
imaginary audience is this
belief that we have a
group or followers that
are watching,dissecting and judging our every
move.But the keyword
here is “imagined.”You are not the center of
the universe.Nobody
really cares about your
every move.Nobody is
watching,and if they
happen to be,they are far
less concerned with what
you are doing and much
more focused on what
YOU are thinking about
them.That’s the irony of
this.You think you are so
important that everyone
cares what you do,when
infact,everyone is so
preoccupied with
themselves that they don’t
even notice or care what
you are doing.And while this realization
that you are not the center
of everyone’s universe
may depress you initially,I hope you’ll find that it is
actually a huge blessing in
disguise.Why? It’s lets
you take chances without
fear of judgment.You can
raise your hand,speak
your mind,share your
ideas,and take bold risks
without (significant)
consequences.And here’s
the interesting part.......the
second you realize there is
no imaginary audience
critiquing your every
move and the less you
care what others think,the more freedom you’ll
have to do your best
work.Of course,once you start
doing your best work,that imaginary audience
might not be in your head-people might then
actually start to notice
I'm sure you have really been motivated today,you can stand tall......

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